This Support bulletin from Apple, Prepare for changes to macOS Server, lists three alternatives for the VPN server feature being dropped from macOS Server edition: I would rather avoid having to install HomeBrew or any other extra Unix-app layering (which I've never really understood, and fear mucking up my macOS). Hence my desire to run a VPN server on a remote Mac mini attached to a fast Internet connection such as at a colo. Every VPN service provider I have seen insists on using only their own proprietary client installer rather than using Apple’s built-in VPN client. Avoiding 3rd-party VPN layers/apps precludes use of any commercial VPN-as-a-Service provider.

I do not want to install any VPN client app. My goal is to allow my MacBook Pro, iPhone, iPad, and such make VPN connections directly from the Apple-provided built-in VPN client feature. macOS Server Mojave has been gutted of nearly all the previous “Server” functionality, leaving only 3 things: Profile Manager, Open Directory, and Xsan.Ĭan someone suggest a secure reliable VPN server that currently runs on macOS Sierra that is likely to also run on macOS Mojave? According to this blog post by, Apple is no longer including a Virtual Private Network (VPN) server.